Contact Us:
Mob: 0456 138 360
Street Address:
(31-39) Nairne Road, Woodside SA 5244
Postal Address: PO Box 267, Woodside SA 5244
Contact Us:
Mob: 0456 138 360
Street Address:
(31-39) Nairne Road, Woodside SA 5244
Postal Address: PO Box 267, Woodside SA 5244
Each week during our Sunday services we provide an opportunity for participants to provide a financial contribution through our offering bowls, to assist in the support of our Church’s ministry and works in the wider community.
Offerings and donations can also be made via an electronic funds transfer direct to our Church’s bank account (details below).
Please reference the transfer with the word “Offering” or “Donation”, so that our Treasurer will know for what the funds are intended. Our Treasurer doesn’t need to know who has transferred the money, unless you require notification of a receipt.
Account Name: Woodside Uniting Church
BSB Number: 105-057
Account Number: 240291740
Your giving helps build the Church and make a difference in the lives of others. The Uniting Church in South Australia is associated with a number of organisations who provide vital services and support, locally and Australia wide. If you would like the opportunity to give financially to support the ongoing work of the Uniting Church SA please click here.
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