When thinking about Mother’s Day this year, I remembered a book I received as a child titled ‘Face-To-Face with Women of the Bible‘ by Nancy Simpson. The book is about all the Women mentioned in the Bible. In looking through the book again, I came across the story of Eunice and Lois. A grandmother and mother who encouraged their son, Timothy, to listen to the Word of God and to come to know Him. Timothy goes on to become one of the founders of the early Church and we read his teachings in the Book of Timothy in the Bible today.

From the time we are born our Mothers encourage us. They start by encouraging us to crawl, walk, talk, grow in knowledge and love. They help us establish our beliefs and views of the world, they comfort and heal us when we injure ourselves or we are hurt by other people, animals or circumstances. I think we sometimes forget how much they actually do for us in the early stages of our lives.

A Mothers love is God’s gift of encouragement to us and a reminder to extend this encouragement to those around us.
This Mother’s Day, let us be encouraged to share the gift of love our Mothers have given us and to say thank you to our Mothers, whatever form they may take.

If you’re not sure how to say this in person yourself, perhaps the song A Mother’s Love sung by a Children’s Choir, may help you.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Website Editor on behalf of Woodside UC


“Many a strong heart for God formed its roots through the prayers of a mother.”
Acts 16:1-3; Timothy 1:5; Timothy 3:15